Don’t have the perfect video, don’t let that stop you

POSTED ON:2023-12-18 13:23:00.

Are you a coach eager to provide valuable feedback using the Invictus video feedback platform but finding yourself without the perfect video to upload for your audience? Don’t worry; there are several creative alternatives at your disposal to engage and educate your followers effectively.

Here are three practical suggestions to kickstart your coaching journey on the Invictus platform:

Utilize Existing Footage:

  • Do you possess old video footage from your competitive days? This treasure trove of content can be a goldmine for imparting knowledge.
  • Even without recent footage, these videos showcase your skills, enabling you to narrate and highlight the techniques and strategies that aspiring athletes should emulate.
  • Your experience, dissected and explained, could be incredibly valuable to your audience.

Leverage Training Sessions:

  • Video recordings from your face-to-face training sessions can serve as an excellent teaching tool. Use these clips to demonstrate proper techniques, emphasizing the nuances that make a difference.
  • By providing narration alongside these visual demonstrations, you can offer precise insights into what athletes should aim for, enhancing their learning experience.

Share Your Expertise Directly:

  • If you find yourself without suitable video content, don’t fret! Sometimes, your personal insights can be just as impactful.
  • Record a video addressing your coaching philosophy, sharing your experiences, and detailing the type of feedback you can provide.
  • Your expertise and guidance, even without specific visuals, can offer invaluable insights and motivation.

Remember, these initial suggestions are just the beginning. If you need further ideas or assistance in optimizing your coaching feedback without direct video uploads, our team at Invictus is here to support you. reach out to