The Self Funded Athlete of the Creator Economy

In the world of sports, the struggle for funding is a well-known challenge that many athletes face, hindering their pursuit of Olympic dreams. With limited support from federations and the constraints of working full-time jobs, athletes find themselves caught in a financial dilemma. However, the tides are changing, and it's time for athletes to take control of their destiny in this creator economy age.

Changing the Narrative:

The era of self-funded athletes is upon us, and the power to change the narrative lies firmly in the hands of the athletes themselves. As grassroots athletes look up to their idols on social media, a unique opportunity arises for athletes to not only inspire but also to educate and monetize their knowledge.

Harnessing the Creator Economy:

We now live in a creator economy where social media has become a powerful platform for learning and skill development. Grassroots athletes eagerly follow their heroes, watching skills videos and practicing the techniques they see. However, there's a missing link – feedback. Athletes producing valuable content have the chance to fill this gap while simultaneously monetizing their knowledge.

Monetizing Knowledge and Giving Back:

We recently interviewed grassroots athletes who expressed a genuine desire for feedback to enhance their skills. This presents a golden opportunity for athletes who create content to monetize their knowledge while giving back to the grassroots community. It's time for athletes to leverage their expertise and create a sustainable income stream by providing valuable insights and personalized feedback.

ROI Calculator for Athletes:

To illustrate the potential earnings, we've developed an ROI calculator specifically for athletes. Check out our calculator at to estimate how much you can earn by providing feedback. This tool empowers athletes to see the tangible value of their expertise while supporting the growth of aspiring athletes.

Breaking Free from Generosity-Based Funding:

Relying on generosity-based funding, such as GoFundMe campaigns, is a short-term solution that may eventually run dry. It's crucial for athletes to break free from this dependency and seize the opportunity to become self-funded creators. The time is now for athletes to take control of their financial destinies and embrace the creator economy.


In this era of the creator economy, athletes have the chance to be pioneers of self-funding. By monetizing their knowledge, providing feedback, and inspiring the next generation, athletes can build sustainable careers while giving back to the grassroots community. The power is in their hands to shape a new narrative and redefine success on their terms. The time is now for the self-funded athlete amidst this creator economy we live in.

Here are 5 ways how remote video feedback will enhance your in-person sports coaching business

In-person coaching undeniably offers personalized, hands-on guidance crucial for athletic development. However, scalability remains a persistent challenge. Traditional in-person coaching often faces limitations in reaching a broader audience due to geographical constraints and time-intensive sessions.

Enter video feedback from Invictus Sports—a game-changing tool enabling in-person coaches to break through these barriers and significantly scale their coaching services.

Overcoming Geographical Boundaries

  • In-person coaches, by incorporating video feedback platforms, transcend geographical limitations. Athletes worldwide can submit their training videos for analysis, allowing coaches to provide personalized feedback remotely.
  • This approach not only retains the intimacy of in-person coaching but also extends the coach's reach to a global audience.
  • Athletes from different corners of the world now have access to specialized coaching from seasoned experts.

 Efficient Use of Time

  • Video feedback allows coaches to optimize their time and resources. Instead of dedicating entire sessions solely to individual athletes, coaches can efficiently analyze multiple athletes' performances remotely.
  • This scalability enables coaches to serve a larger client base without compromising the quality of feedback and guidance provided.


Diversification of Services

  • By utilizing video feedback, in-person coaches can diversify their service offerings. They can introduce tiered coaching packages—ranging from basic video analysis subscriptions to premium one-on-one in-person sessions.
  • This tiered approach not only attracts athletes seeking personalized attention but also caters to those looking for more cost-effective yet insightful coaching options.

Building a monetizable online Community

  • Video feedback platforms enable coaches to create online communities where athletes can interact, learn from each other, and engage with the coach.
  • These communities foster a sense of belonging and shared learning, enhancing the overall coaching experience. Coaches can also conduct group sessions or webinars, efficiently addressing the needs of multiple athletes simultaneously.

Lead Generation for Online Services & Product Sales

  • Video feedback isn’t just a coaching tool—it's a powerful lead generator. Coaches, while providing detailed video analyses, can strategically introduce additional online services or products tailored to athletes' needs.
  • For instance, coaches can recommend supplementary online courses, specialized training modules, or eBooks focusing on advanced techniques or injury prevention.
  • This creates an avenue for upselling and cross-selling online services, thereby expanding revenue streams beyond direct coaching.


In-person coaches face scalability challenges inherent in their traditional coaching methods. However, by integrating video feedback into their coaching repertoire, they can transcend these limitations. This integration allows coaches to extend their reach globally, optimize their time, diversify services, and foster vibrant online communities—all while retaining the personalized touch of in-person coaching.

Embracing video feedback isn't about replacing in-person coaching; rather, it's about enhancing and scaling the impact of personalized coaching. It's the bridge that allows in-person coaches to expand their reach, impact more athletes, and ultimately grow their coaching businesses.

Don’t have the perfect video, don’t let that stop you

Are you a coach eager to provide valuable feedback using the Invictus video feedback platform but finding yourself without the perfect video to upload for your audience? Don’t worry; there are several creative alternatives at your disposal to engage and educate your followers effectively.

Here are three practical suggestions to kickstart your coaching journey on the Invictus platform:

Utilize Existing Footage:

  • Do you possess old video footage from your competitive days? This treasure trove of content can be a goldmine for imparting knowledge.
  • Even without recent footage, these videos showcase your skills, enabling you to narrate and highlight the techniques and strategies that aspiring athletes should emulate.
  • Your experience, dissected and explained, could be incredibly valuable to your audience.

Leverage Training Sessions:

  • Video recordings from your face-to-face training sessions can serve as an excellent teaching tool. Use these clips to demonstrate proper techniques, emphasizing the nuances that make a difference.
  • By providing narration alongside these visual demonstrations, you can offer precise insights into what athletes should aim for, enhancing their learning experience.

Share Your Expertise Directly:

  • If you find yourself without suitable video content, don’t fret! Sometimes, your personal insights can be just as impactful.
  • Record a video addressing your coaching philosophy, sharing your experiences, and detailing the type of feedback you can provide.
  • Your expertise and guidance, even without specific visuals, can offer invaluable insights and motivation.

Remember, these initial suggestions are just the beginning. If you need further ideas or assistance in optimizing your coaching feedback without direct video uploads, our team at Invictus is here to support you. reach out to


Video Feedback: A way to earn while delivering support to every nook and cranny

Coaching in the realm of sports stands as an invaluable profession, one that often transcends the mere training of athletes and delves into the realms of impact and fulfillment. However, lurking beneath the surface of this fulfilling vocation lies a varying landscape of financial stability and income, heavily contingent on individual circumstances and the available opportunities within the sporting sphere.

Simultaneously, the underpinning of grassroots athletes, the very foundation upon which athletic prowess blossoms, is precariously vulnerable to marginalization in the absence of access to proper coaching. This dichotomy of fulfilling yet financially unpredictable coaching roles and the struggle of grassroots athletes in accessing quality mentorship paints a profound narrative within the sporting world.

One singular story stands out amidst this complex web of challenges and opportunities—the narrative of Julius Yego, the 2015 Javelin World Champion. Yego's trajectory to success is etched with an unconventional hue. He carved his path to mastery not through conventional coaching avenues, but via an unexpected digital tutor: YouTube. With no coach guiding him in his youth, Yego turned to the digital world, leveraging the power of online resources to learn the intricacies of the javelin throw.

It's this very story that has catalyzed a revolutionary response—an initiative aimed at bridging the gap between the financial instability of coaching and the dearth of accessible mentorship for grassroots athletes. Inspired by Yego's unconventional journey, we're setting out to rectify these two paramount issues plaguing the sporting landscape.

Our resolve is firm, anchored in the belief that no athlete, regardless of their background or resources, should be deprived of the opportunity to access quality coaching. By harnessing modern technology and leveraging the digital realm, we've pioneered a platform that democratizes coaching—a platform where grassroots athletes can access invaluable mentorship without being shackled by geographical or financial limitations.

At the heart of this initiative lies our commitment to empowering coaches and athletes alike. Through our platform, we're uniting coaches from diverse backgrounds, breaking barriers, and creating a community where expertise meets passion. Coaches, irrespective of their financial constraints, can now lend their expertise to budding athletes globally, ensuring that talent doesn't go unnoticed or undeveloped due to financial limitations.

Grassroots athletes, inspired by stories like Julius Yego's, now have an avenue—an avenue to access the guidance and mentorship crucial to their growth. Our platform isn't merely a conduit for training; it's a catalyst for dreams, a realm where potential meets opportunity, and where barriers are shattered with the power of knowledge and guidance.

In essence, our journey isn't just about rectifying two prevalent issues in the sporting world; it's about weaving a new narrative—a narrative of inclusivity, accessibility, and limitless potential. It's about nurturing the dreams of athletes and coaches alike, transforming the landscape of sports coaching into a realm where everyone has a fair chance to chase their aspirations.

Unveiling the Financial Realities of Australia's Elite Athletes: A Call for Support and Stability

In a recent survey conducted by the Australian Sports Foundation, a staggering revelation surfaced: nearly half of the nation’s top-tier athletes are grappling with financial strains, earning less than the country’s minimum wage. The study, encompassing 2304 athletes across 60 sports, shed light on the formidable challenges elite athletes face in pursuing their sporting careers.

The findings, as of July 2023, exposed a disconcerting reality: 46% of these athletes are earning less than $23,000 annually. This figure stands in stark contrast to the minimum wage in Australia, set at $23.23 per hour or $45,905.60 per year. It's a stark reminder that while these athletes compete at the highest levels, financial stability remains an elusive pursuit for many.

But the struggle extends beyond mere financial numbers. It seeps into the mental health realm, as 42% of elite athletes reported grappling with mental health challenges. This distressing statistic underscores the profound impact of financial instability on their well-being, adding an emotional toll to their pursuit of excellence.

The precarious financial landscape has tangible implications for these athletes' careers. More than half have contemplated walking away from their sport, highlighting the fragility of sustaining a career in elite sports amidst financial uncertainties.

Speaking to Fox Sports News, two-time Olympic gold medallist Bronte Campbell expressed surprise at the survey's revelations. She highlighted the median income range of elite athletes, emphasizing the daunting task of managing expenses in a world where the cost of living continues to rise. Campbell unveiled the harsh reality of sporting careers: a rollercoaster of financial highs and lows dictated by performance fluctuations and unforeseen circumstances like injuries.

The intricacies of elite sports further compound these challenges. Olympic cycles, spanning four years between events, demand unwavering commitment, influencing crucial life decisions like residence, family planning, and career trajectories. Moreover, unless consistently part of elite teams, athletes find themselves largely responsible for their financial well-being.

While there have been steps taken to support athletes, such as increased government funding and financial assistance tied to specific events, the overarching financial structure falls short in providing comprehensive aid. The CEO of the Australian Sports Foundation, Patrick Walker, stressed the need for collective action across the sports sector to address these challenges. He emphasized that financial stress is not only detrimental to athletes' mental health but also jeopardizes their continued participation in their respective sports.

The survey's revelations serve as a clarion call for the sports sector, governments, and supporting organizations to collaborate and bolster assistance for these athletes. It's imperative to create a sustainable ecosystem that offers not just financial aid but also robust support systems encompassing equipment, medical aid, and mental health resources.

The resilience, dedication, and sacrifices of elite athletes deserve recognition and support that transcends sporadic financial aids. By acknowledging their financial vulnerabilities and committing to a more stable environment, we can ensure these athletes continue to excel without compromising their well-being. It's time to champion their cause, ensuring that the pursuit of sporting greatness is not hindered by financial precarity.

Invictus Sport